The persuasive power of Ezekiels prophecy culminating in the events leading up to the Six Day War, fulfilled Ezekiels vision of Israels resurrected Army of Dry Bones rising to life and victory in 1967. It was this unexplainable and undebatable fulfillment that altered the course of Mathews Abrahams life. An engineer by profession but a historian and author by passion, he had explored the gamut of lifes religions and came to the conclusion that life had no meaning. But that would soon change. In December of 1977, through a series of debates with Christians, he faced a dilemma he could not reconcile. How could such a Jewish remnant, destroyed by Hitler, make such an impossible comeback in history and rise to a mighty victorious army in just 19 years? His desire to bring Israels history and the miraculous story behind the scenes to you, is recounted in his first book in a series, From Dry Bones to a Mighty Army.